One Piece Memes Only Fans Will Understand Part 33

1: Maybe you don't know.

If you're a One Piece fan, you probably know these characters. But maybe you do not know, three characters are voiced by the same voice actor.

2: Maturity is when you finally learn how to forgive this man.

In psychology, maturity is the ability to respond to the environment being aware of the correct time and location to behave and knowing when to act, according to the circumstances and the culture of the society one lives in. But in One Piece, maturity is when you finally learn how to forgive Akainu.

3: Oden invited Franky to join the team.

When you are invited to be a member of the Pirate King's crew, but you refuse. After all, you are still a member of the future Pirate King's crew.

4: Zoro! What are you doing?

When your hands are busy carrying a girl, you cannot use a sword. Here's how you can fight.

5: Their waifu and my waifu.

Maybe many people love Robin, but to me Sanji is the true love.
